Bibliotek Nordica is part of Torpedo's on-line cataloging project launched in November 2024: The Art of Circulation: An Anthology in Artistic Publication. It is one of the first 10 titles to be selected, out of 100 which will be eventually collected together in the catalogue. Bibliotek Nordica is on show at Torpedo Bookstore in Oslo until the end of February 2025. / We will be at the Small Publishers Fair with Bibliotek Nordica, alongside 68 UK and international publishers plus exhibition, readings and talks.
Friday 27 and Saturday 28 October Open 11am to 7pm daily Conway Hall, Red Lion Square, London WC1R 4RL Holborn tube Free admission The annual celebration of books by artists, poets, writers and book designers held in Conway Hall – the centre of humanist, radical and literary Bloomsbury. Photo credit: @jhmmitchell Discover works by participating artists among the bookshelves in the Kristiansand public library. Part of the Nordic Artist Book exhibition on show at the Kunstens og litteratur hus, Kristiansand, Norway until 29. okt 2023.
(Film: Kamilla Jørgensen, photo credits:Tor Simon Ulstein) There are events happening thoughtout the exhibition period: check out Kristiansand Kunsthall's website for more details: Codex Polaris presents a collection of books by artists represented at the forthcoming Kunstnerboken: unik og mangfoldig exhibition in Kristiansand opening the following weekend.
CHART BOOK FAIR Kunsthal Charlottenborg, København, Denmark. 24.-27. August 2023 The large scale bookart exhibition will open at Kristiansand Kunsthall and Library on 2. September 2023
For more info: (English) For more info about the exhibition in Norwegian: Kristiansand Kunsthall Follow this link to sign up for the Seminar 1. September at Kristiansand Library Randi Annie Strand will be talking about Codex Polaris
Bokkunstmessen B*stard Thursday 25th May, 2023, 18.30 Oplandia senter for samtidskunst, Kirkegata 68, Lillehammer, Norge Codex Polaris will be showcasing Nordic Artists who will be participating in the Kunstnerboken exhibition
at Kristiansand Kunsthall and folkebiblioteket in the autumn. Location: BERGEN KUNSTHALL, NORWAY Opening hours: Friday: 17–20, Saturday & Sunday: 11–17 For more info: Bergen Art Book Fair website BOOKED 2022 – Artists Book ExhibitionFor the Love of Books and Art!
26 November - 18 December 2022 MUU Helsinki Contemporary Art Centre Cable Factory, Tallberginkatu 1 C, Helsinki BOOKED 2022 is an exhibition devoted to books made by artists, conceptual literature and text-based artworks organised by MUU, Finland’s interdisciplinary art association. Codex Polaris will be at the opening on the 25th November 5- 7pm and will also be part of the Artist book conversation on Saturday 26th November at 2pm. Helgenene, vi skylder dem ingenting fra 2020 av Vibeke Luther O'Rourke. Photo: Vegard Kleven/NBK Codex Polaris is taking works by ten Norwegian-based artists to CHART ART FAIR at Kunsthal Charlottenborg, København, Denmark
on 26th – 29th August 2022. Participating artists: Nanna Amstrup, Solveig Landa, Randi Annie Strand, Lisa Him-Jensen, Ane Thon Knutsen, Rita Marhaug, Hans Ragnar Mathisen, Imi Maufe, Elisabeth Rydland Nilssen, and Vibeke Luther O'Rourke For more information about the publishers: Supported by: Codex Polaris organisers Imi, Rita and Randi are represented in the upcoming Artist's Book exhibition at Galleria Duetto, Helsinki, Finland. Opening 20.july until 14. august 2022.
Codex Polaris and Arkir present the SIGLA BINDA exhibition at the Iceland Printmaker's Association in. Reykjavik opening 16th June at 5pm. NOTE NEW CLOSING DATE: 17th July 2022.
Codex Polaris will be at Bergen Art Book Fair on 1.-3. April 2022 kl.11-17, with a collection of books from Norwegian and Icelandic artists from the Sigla Binda project.
Next stop Reykjavik in June 2022. Rita Marhaug held a workshop at Entrée Bergen on 22. jan 2022 around the big blue table in the gallery during the SIGLA BINDA exhibition. Making books and talking about books.
Two weblinks about the recent exhibition at Entrée, Bergen
SIGLA BINDA an exhibition with unique artists’ books by Icelandic and Norwegian artists: Nanna Gunhild Amstrup, Kristin Þóra Guðbjartsdóttir, Solveig Landa, Rita Marhaug Svanborg Matthíasdóttir, Imi Maufe, Ingiríður Óðinsdóttir, Anna Snædís Sigmarsdóttir Sigurborg Stefánsdóttir, Randi Annie Strand at Entrée, Markeveien 4b, Bergen, Norway Opening Day Saturday November 27th, from 12-5pm Roundtable conversation with guests Sunday November 28th, from 12-2pm Opening hours Entrée (until January 16, 2022) Thursday 12-4pm Friday 12-4pm Saturday 12-4pm Sunday 12-4pm Begrepene binda og sigla, er to av mange felles ord mellom norsk og islandsk. De har både konkrete og abstrakte betydninger knyttet til vår eksistens som sådan, til havet som binder oss sammen, til kunstnerisk praksis med tradisjoner og innovasjoner og til de historiske båndene og dokumentene mellom nasjoner.
Norge og Island har felles kulturelle røtter, gjennom norrøn bosetting, språk, fortellertradisjoner og ikke minst bokhistorie, men også gjennom sjøfart, fiske og andre forutsetninger naturen gir. De ikoniske fortellingene om Norge ble nedskrevet på Island og er av uvurderlig verdi for vår selvfølelse som kultur og nasjon. Tekstbildet og dets fysiske bærere; steintavlen, papyrusrullen og boken, har siden historiens morgen hatt en magisk tiltrekning på oss. De er objekter som kan ha makt over oss, som kan forbinde oss til fortidens mennesker, til det guddommelige og til loven. Å utforske bokformatets potensiale for å tjene kunstneriske uttrykk er utgangspunktet for de to kunstnergruppene fra Norge og Island. SIGLA BINDA viser frem 10 nye kunstnerbøker i Entrées nye interiørstruktur, designet av kunstner Magnhild Øen Nordahl. Codex Polaris er en kunstnerbokgruppe basert i Bergen, Norge. Deres formål er å skape muligheter og utstillingsplattformer for kunstnere som jobber med bøker i Norden. I tillegg til utstillingsaktivitet, inviterer Codex Polaris gjestekuratorer og arrangører til å jobbe med ulike nettverksprosjekter. Prosjektene og tekstene setter søkelys på kunstnerboka i spennet mellom det lokale og det internasjonale perspektivet. Codex Polaris drives av Rita Marhaug, Imi Maufe og Randi Annie Strand. Arkir (quires) er en kunstnerbokgruppe med base i Reykjavik, Island. Medlemmer av gruppen har jobbet og studert bokkunst sammen siden 1998. Arkir hadde sin første separatutstilling i 2005 og har siden den gang hatt flere utstillinger både på Island og internasjonalt. De er interessert i å dele tanker om bokkunst med andre kunstnere over hele verden. Arkir består av Anna Snædís Sigmarsdóttir, Arnþrúður Ösp Karlsdóttir, Áslaug Jónsdóttir, Bryndís Bragadóttir, Helga Pálína Brynjólfsdóttir, Ingiríður Óðinsdóttir, Kristín Guðbrandsdóttir, Kristín Þóra Guðbjartsdóttir, Jóhanna Margrét Tryggvadóttir, Sigurborg Stefánsdóttir og Svanborg Matthíasdóttir. Det er også en publikasjon med ytterligere presentasjoner av hver enkelt kunstner som følger utstillingen. Søndag ønsker vi i tillegg velkommen til en kunstnersamtale med kunstnerne og inviterte gjester. Utstillingen er støttet av Norsk Kulturråd og Skjal Translation. SIGLA BINDA vil reise videre til galleriet Íslensk Grafík i Reykjavik hvor den åpner i juni 2022. //English// The terms sigla (sailing) and binda (binding) are two of many common words between the Norwegian and Icelandic languages. They both have several concrete and abstract meanings related to our very existence, to the sea that connects us, to artistic practice with traditions and innovations, and to the historical ties and documents between nations. Norway and Iceland have common cultural roots, through the Norwegian settlement in Iceland, through language, storytelling traditions and not least through their connected book history. The iconic stories about Norway, written down in Iceland, are priceless and a central part in defining our modern states and self-understanding as cultures, even today. The text-image combination and its physical carriers; the stone tablet, the papyrus scroll and the codex format, have had a magical attraction since the dawn of history. They can be overpowering objects that link us to the people of the past, to the divine and to the law. To explore the potential of the book format to serve artistic expressions are at the core for the two artists groups from Norway and Iceland. SIGLA BINDA showcases 10 new artists’ books inside Entrée’s new interior structure, designed by artist Magnhild Øen Nordahl. Codex Polaris is an artists’ book group based in Bergen, Norway. Their purpose is to create opportunities and exhibition platforms for artists who work with books in the Nordic countries. In addition to exhibition activity, Codex Polaris invites guest curators and organizers to work on various networking projects. The projects and texts focus on the artists’ book in the span between the local and the international perspective. Codex Polaris is run by Rita Marhaug, Imi Maufe and Randi Annie Strand. Arkir (quires) is an artists’ book group based in Reykjavik, Iceland. Members of the group have been working and studying book art together since 1998. Arkir had their first solo exhibition in 2005 and have since then had several exhibitions both in Iceland and abroad. They are interested to share views on book art with fellow artists around the world. The members are Anna Snædís Sigmarsdóttir, Arnþrúður Ösp Karlsdóttir, Áslaug Jónsdóttir, Bryndís Bragadóttir, Helga Pálína Brynjólfsdóttir, Ingiríður Óðinsdóttir, Kristín Guðbrandsdóttir, Kristín Þóra Guðbjartsdóttir, Jóhanna Margrét Tryggvadóttir, Sigurborg Stefánsdóttir and Svanborg Matthíasdóttir. There is also a publication with further presentations of each artist that follows the exhibition, and we welcome you on Sunday for a roundtable conversation with the artists and invited guests. The exhibition is supported by Arts Council Norway and Skjal Translation. SIGLA BINDA will travel to Íslensk Grafík gallery in Reykjavik where it opens in June 2022. Codex Polaris is working with the Center of Fine Print Research, UWE, Bristol, to promote the collecting of artist's books in the Nordic Countries, through online workshops, live visits to books fairs and project based events. This project is aimed at working with librarians and institutions, but open to anyone, and has been supported by Nordic Culture Point funding.
The first event is an online seminar on 2. - 3. desember 2021. For more detail of how to sign up: Codex Polaris is part of the first BOOKED event in Helsinki in October. Codex Polaris took part in the CHART Art Fair Book Fair at Kunsthal Charlottenborg, Copenhagen, Denmark from 26. - 29. august 2021.
Four days of exhibiting collaborative Codex Polaris projects and works by Imi Maufe, Rita Marhaug and Randi Annie Strand. Four days of talking to the public and making contacts with collectors, curators and fellow stand holders. Thank you to all the organisers for making this happen. It was good to be back at a book fair after the absence of last year. A wonderful event put on for the first time alongside CHART Art Fair that showcases Nordic Art. Codex Polaris was supported by OCA to attend CHART Art Book Fair. Codex Polaris are proud to be invited to CHART Art Fair's first book fair. Kunsthal Charlottenborg, København, Denmark 26. - 29. august 2021 «CHART Book Fair will host 30 dedicated and quality-driven publishers from across the Nordic countries. The ambition for the art book fair is to bring together the leading publishers of artists books and art-related publications from the forefront of the printed matter community in the Nordic region.» CODEX POLARIS, will be showing collaborative projects such as Bibliotek Nordica, KarbonAvtrykk and Posted/Unposted alongside work by Imi Maufe, Rita Marhaug and Randi Annie Strand. Codex Polaris attendance at CHART is supported by OCA. A huge thanks to ARKIR Book Arts Group (, for installing Bibliotek Nordica at The National Library of Iceland, in Reykjavik, and to the library for hosting this exhibition. It will open on the 17th May 2021.Due to Corona there will be no official opening. The last day of the exhibition is 22nd August - before travelling to a new destination. For more info on the exhibition in Engelsk For more info on the exhibition in Islandsk Bibliotek Nordica – norræn bókverkasýning Bókverkasýningin Bibliotek Nordica, samsýning 84 norrænna listamanna á bókverkum í A6-broti, verður opin frá og með mánudeginum 17. maí 2021 í Þjóðarbókhlöðunni. Tólf íslenskir listamenn eiga verk á sýningunni sem hefur verið sett upp í sex löndum á síðustu tveimur árum. Sýningarstjórn verkefnisins er í höndum Codex Polaris - Imi Maufe, Megan Adie og Bent Kvisgaard. Markmiðið með Bibliotek Nordica er að búa til safn norrænna bókverka sem auðvelt er að nálgast sem hægt er að nota til viðmiðunar í bókmenntasögu samtímans og skapa um leið tengslanet milli Norðurlandanna. Sýningin stendur fram til sunnudagsins 22. ágúst. Opið er virka daga 9-17 og 10-14 á laugardögum. Lokað sunnudaga. Nánar verður tilkynnt viðburði tengda sýningunni síðar. Upplýsingar um sýninguna: Sýningarskrá má sjá hér: Kveðja Ólafur J. Engilbertsson Sýningar og kynningarmál Landsbókasafn Íslands – Háskólabókasafn Codex Polaris was one of the online contributors to BABE2021 - The Lost Weekend at the Arnolfini, Bristol. Alongside a film about Codex Polaris, we also contributed on the catalogue with our editions of Posted/Unposted. At last we have the pleasure of launching Posted/Unposted•British Isles at the IMPACT 11 International Print Festival in Hong Kong.
Exhibitions viewable online: Watch mini films of all the work included in this new edition of Posted/Unposted Kurt Johannessen, Rita Marhaug, Randi Annie Strand and Imi Maufe, plus Bibliotek NordicaThe latest exhibition at Kristiansand Kunsthall is all about books - the gallery rooms are filled with works by four Norwegian based artists and Bibliotek Nordica.
Welcome to Rom for bøker or Room for Books - 30th Jan til 21th March 2021. We wish you all well and hope that you keep safe during these times. We are working on new projects and even thought many of the events we were planning on attending this year have been cancelled - we are looking forward to bringing you inspiring book art events and publications over the next year. Watch this space!
best Imi, Randi and Rita Due to Corona this event has been postponed until later this year. We will be updating everyone when we know more!
En helg med Artist Books I Stockholm Et risk(U) prosjekt i NKF:s lokaler, Nordiska Gästateljén Malongen, Nytorget 15 A - mitt på Söder! RUM för BÖCKER! - Grafikverkstan Godsmagasinet (Lina Nordenström) och Codex Polaris (Imi Maufe) har gått samman om att organisera detta helgevenemang med focus på ARTIST BOOKS från de nordiska länderna. Syftet är att skapa möjligheter att visa och samtala om konst-närsböcker, utbyta erfarenheter och diskutera idéer om tänkbara framtida samarbeten under kollegiala former. Vi kommer att ställa ut Bibliotek Nordica och Posted/Unposted, vilket är två olika exempel på samarbetsprojekt, initierade av Codex Polaris. Projekten inkluderar totalt 125 konstnärer, poeter och grafiker från de nordiska länderna och de brittiska öarna. Pluss böcker av ytterligare inbjudna konstnärer! Under lördagseftermiddagen organiserar vi ett program med läsningar och andra framföranden med anknytning till artists books som konstform. Programmet övergår sen i en enkel middag på kvällen - även detta i NKF:s lokaler. Mer information kommer när vi vet mer! Kontakta: Lina Nordenström: [email protected] / +46-73-5641167 Imi Maufe: [email protected] / +47 9025 7476 English RUM för BÖCKER (ROOM for BOOKS!) - 30th - 31st May 2020 A Risk(U) project for Nordiska Gästateljén Malongen, Nytorget 15 A, Stockholm, Sweden GG Print Studio (Lina Nordenström) and Codex Polaris (Imi Maufe) are organising a weekend of ARTISTS' BOOKS from the Nordic countries. This weekend is designed to give space for exchanging and discussing of book art ideas along with the possibility to show examples of book works in a pop up exhibition. We will be showing Codex Polaris’ collaborative projects Bibliotek Nordica and Posted/Unposted - which in total include works by 125 artists, poets, and printmakers from the Nordic countries and British Isles. Plus works from invited guests. We will be sending out information about the full program when we know more. Contact and questions: Lina Nordenström: [email protected] / +46-73-5641167 Imi Maufe: [email protected] / +47 9025 7476 |